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Tutorial instalare zombie Swarm 2.4 2z8bv910
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Tutorial instalare zombie Swarm 2.4

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1Tutorial instalare zombie Swarm 2.4 Empty Tutorial instalare zombie Swarm 2.4 Vin 01 Apr 2011, 14:55



Descriere : Acesta este mult cautatul Zombie Swarm 2.4 adica Zombie Mod . Este un plugin Amxmodx .

Acest plugin mod transforma terorostii in zombi, dandu-le mai multa viata si mai multa armura. Dezavantajul este ca nu pot folosii armele, doar cei de la CT le pot folosi si sunt nevoiti sa-i omoare pe zombi ( teroristii )

Download : GirlShare


Fisierul : Zombies_warm.sma se pune in HLDS/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting
Fisierul : Zombies_warm.amxx se pune in HLDS/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins
Apoi adaugati in HLDS/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/config/plugin.ini :

Copiezi folderele models si sound din arhiva in server (HLDS\cstrike) peste folderele deja existente.

Cateva setari si cvar-uri
Ca sa nu mai fie intuneric si ca sa poti trage in continuu si sa ai gloante infinite intra in addons/amxmodx/config si deschide amxx.cfg unde bagi asta la sfarsitul textului :

// Zombie Mod
zombie_swarm 1
zs_health 150 : Health of zombies
zs_armour 150 : Armour of zombies
zs_speed 280 : Speed of zombies

; The lighting of the map:
zs_lightning 0 : 0 = Normal day light / 1 = Lightning / 2 = Darkness (Not pitch black)

; If zombies can leap:
zs_leap 1 : 1 = On /0 = Off / 1 = Lightning

; Extra cash for humans:
zs_money 10000

;The needed damage to make a humans screen go fuzzy:
zs_zdmg 50

; Ammo system:
zs_ammo 2 : 0 = Default CS / 1 = Unlimited ammo with reload / 2 = Unlimited ammo without reload

; Restrict night vision for humans:
zs_nvg 1 : 0 = Don't restrict / 1 = Restrict

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