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[Zombie Deathmatch]Tutorial Inregistrare Extra-Iteme Zombie 2z8bv910
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[Zombie Deathmatch]Tutorial Inregistrare Extra-Iteme Zombie

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[size=150]Counter Strike Zombie Deathmatch[/size]
Salut!O sa va arat cat de simplu puteti crea extra-iteme la zombie pentru modul Zombie Deathmatch.
Includem , si celelalte module necesare:
#include <amxmodx>
#include <zombie_deathmatch>
Inregistram o variabila globala:
new g_new_zombie_item
Inregistram extra-itemul in meniu:
public plugin_init()
   g_new_zombie_item = zd_register_zombie_item( "New Zombie Item", 3000)
          /* 3000 reprezinta pretul */
Stabilim atributele extra-itemelor:
public zd_zombie_item_selected(iPlayer, iItemIndex)
       if(g_new_zombie_item == iItemIndex)
      client_print(iPlayer, print_chat, "[Zombie Deathmatch] You purchased a new zombie item!")
In final va arata asa:

new g_new_zombie_item

public plugin_init()
g_new_zombie_item = zd_register_zombie_item( "New Zombie Item", 3000)

public zd_zombie_item_selected(iPlayer, iItemIndex)
if(g_new_zombie_item == iItemIndex)
client_print(iPlayer, print_chat, "[Zombie Deathmatch] You purchased a new zombie item!")

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