Bun gasit.
Am facut acest topic pentru a va informa cu privire la noua optiune pe care am adaugat-o pe forumul nostru.
Este vorba de un traducator.
Am adaugat aceasta optiune pentru ca vizitatorii si membrii straini sa poata utiliza forumul nostru mult mai usor, pe limba lor mai bine spus.
Mai jos am sa va las un mic tutorial pentru a afla cum puteti folosi acest traducator.
Pasul 1:
In partea dreapta a formului, jos de tot, aveti un buton care are imaginea de la Google si numele "Traduceti"
Imagine: https://imgur.com/sjdeNKa
Puteti da click pe el.
Pasul 2:
Daca ati urmat pasul 1, atunci va aparea in partea de sus a forumului, deasupra logo-ului mai exact, un chenar.
Imagine: https://imgur.com/iuHz7U7
Pasul 3:
Acum, trebuie sa dati click pe acea sageata mica, si sa selectati limba dorita.
Imagine: https://imgur.com/CPScYZx
Pasul 4:
Dupa ce ati selectat limba dorita, dati click pe "Traduceti"
Imagine: https://imgur.com/VugvWrx
English Version
Good found.
I made this topic to let you know about the new option we added to our forum.
It's a translator.
We added this option so that visitors and foreign members can use our forum much easier on their better spoken language.
Below I will leave you a small tutorial to find out how you can use this translator.
Step 1:
On the right side of the form, below everything, you have a button that has the image from Google and the name "Translate"
Image: https://imgur.com/sjdeNKa
You can click on it.
Step 2:
If you followed Step 1 then a border will appear above the logo.
Image: https://imgur.com/iuHz7U7
Step 3:
Now you have to click on that small arrow, and select the desired language.
Image: https://imgur.com/CPScYZx
Step 4:
Once you have selected your desired language, click on "Translate"
Image: https://imgur.com/VugvWrx
Am facut acest topic pentru a va informa cu privire la noua optiune pe care am adaugat-o pe forumul nostru.
Este vorba de un traducator.
Am adaugat aceasta optiune pentru ca vizitatorii si membrii straini sa poata utiliza forumul nostru mult mai usor, pe limba lor mai bine spus.
Mai jos am sa va las un mic tutorial pentru a afla cum puteti folosi acest traducator.
Pasul 1:
In partea dreapta a formului, jos de tot, aveti un buton care are imaginea de la Google si numele "Traduceti"
Imagine: https://imgur.com/sjdeNKa
Puteti da click pe el.
Pasul 2:
Daca ati urmat pasul 1, atunci va aparea in partea de sus a forumului, deasupra logo-ului mai exact, un chenar.
Imagine: https://imgur.com/iuHz7U7
Pasul 3:
Acum, trebuie sa dati click pe acea sageata mica, si sa selectati limba dorita.
Imagine: https://imgur.com/CPScYZx
Pasul 4:
Dupa ce ati selectat limba dorita, dati click pe "Traduceti"
Imagine: https://imgur.com/VugvWrx
English Version
Good found.
I made this topic to let you know about the new option we added to our forum.
It's a translator.
We added this option so that visitors and foreign members can use our forum much easier on their better spoken language.
Below I will leave you a small tutorial to find out how you can use this translator.
Step 1:
On the right side of the form, below everything, you have a button that has the image from Google and the name "Translate"
Image: https://imgur.com/sjdeNKa
You can click on it.
Step 2:
If you followed Step 1 then a border will appear above the logo.
Image: https://imgur.com/iuHz7U7
Step 3:
Now you have to click on that small arrow, and select the desired language.
Image: https://imgur.com/CPScYZx
Step 4:
Once you have selected your desired language, click on "Translate"
Image: https://imgur.com/VugvWrx
Ultima editare efectuata de catre NergaL in Mar 12 Mar 2019, 14:12, editata de 2 ori (Motiv : Tutorial Actualizat)