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COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 WarZone 2014 2z8bv910
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4en3rgY Romania

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COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 WarZone 2014

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1COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 WarZone 2014 Empty COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 WarZone 2014 Lun 18 Aug 2014, 07:31

[UCS] druNNk.

[UCS] druNNk.Membru

Kitul este de tip .rar
Release date May 20, 2013
100% clean rip from Steam GCFs (Game cache files)
Half-Life Single and Multiplayer is also included
Engine version ( build 4554)
Dual Protocol (48 + 47) Client
Client can join P47 as well as P48 servers
Dual Protocol (48 + 47) Dedicated Server is also included
Working Dedicated and Listen server (Steam and non-Steam)
Working server browser with Internet, favorite and LAN tabs
Compatible with latest sXe Injected anticheat
Includes latest CS 1.6 bots
Playable on Internet and LAN
Can be used as Portable
HLTV is also included and works
In game ads are removed

Download: [Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]

[Trebuie sa fiti înscris şi conectat pentru a vedea această imagine]

2COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 WarZone 2014 Empty Re: COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 WarZone 2014 Mier 01 Oct 2014, 10:25



Merge, dar imaginea ..cand intru in cs, nu este completa [ pe tot ecranul ] :-? . Nu merge nici daca apas " + " si in plus de asta, cand trag mi se duce arma in jos :-s . :/

3COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 WarZone 2014 Empty Re: COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 WarZone 2014 Mier 27 Dec 2017, 16:38



Aceasta Problema este din cauza Cs tau ..

4COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 WarZone 2014 Empty Re: COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 WarZone 2014 Vin 23 Mar 2018, 20:52



Buna! Incearca sa pui alt link de download pentru joc, descarc cu 10 kb eu...

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