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Pgl Gui                 2z8bv910
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4en3rgY Romania

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Pgl Gui

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1Pgl Gui                 Empty Pgl Gui Vin 24 Aug 2012, 13:10



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17.06.2010 - Version 3.3
- Add: Default (Counter-Strike 1.6 Base) models have been added.
- Add: Map de_tuscan has been added.
- Fix: cl_sidespeed, cl_forwardspeed, cl_backspeed some were 400 some were 999.
- Fix: General settings revised.
- Fix: Join game never worked if you didn't had the game opened.
- Change: New background

29.04.2009 - Version 3.2
- Fix: Options in Advanced Menu are now configurable.
- Fix: cl_sidespeed, cl_forwardspeed, cl_backspeed are always set to 999.
- Fix: Reverse mouse wasn`t always saved after a restart of the application.
- Fix: Voice settings now work properly.
- Fix: _cl_autowepswitch wasn`t always saved after a restart of the application.
- Change: New background

01.12.2008 - Version 3.1
- Add: crosshair can now be seen in Advanced Menu (for players to change between 0 and 1).
- Fix: -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd will not be forced after the GUI has been uninstalled.
- Fix: r_decals and violence_* wasn`t always saved after a restart of the application.
- Fix: cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate weren`t always saved after a restart of the application.
- Fix: _cl_autowepswitch wasn`t always saved after a restart of the application.
- Fix: _vgui_menus wasn`t always saved after a restart of the application.
- Fix: cl_sidespeed, cl_forwardspeed, cl_backspeed weren`t always saved after a restart of the application.

11.08.2008 - Version 3.0
- Feature: A 32bpp blocker added
- Feature: The mousefix registry settings will be applied when the application is installed.
- Add: A remove_mouse_fix registry added into the main folder (The file is called remove_mouse_fix.reg)
- Fix: crosshair wasn`t always saved after a restart of the application
- Fix: con_color wasn`t always saved after a restart of the application
- Fix: bobcycle wasn`t always saved after a restart of the application
- Fix: cl_allowdownload and cl_allowupload weren`t always saved after a restart of the application
- Fix: cl_showfps wasn`t always saved after a restart of the application
- Fix: graphheight wasn`t always saved after a restart of the application
- Fix: In-game text had invalid characters
- Fix: keyboard settings bug (keyboard setting weren`t saved sometimes after quiting CS)
- Change: brightness modified from 9 to 2
- Change: gamma modified from 9 to 3
- Change: cl_cmdrate default modified from 35 to 101
- Change: cl_updaterate default modified from 101 to 35
- Change: rate default modified from 20000 to 25000
- Change: GUI colors are different from the default ones
- Change: Moved "CmdRate", "UpdateRate" and "Rate" to the top of the Advanced Menu list
- Delete: "Team Messages" removed from Keyboard settings
- Delete: "Automatically take end-game screenshots" removed from Advanced Menu
- Delete: "Auto-help" removed from Advanced Menu
- Delete: "Time before dead bodies disappear" removed from Advanced Menu
- Delete: "Hide other players' frags" removed from Advanced Menu
- Delete: "Weather" removed from Advanced Menu
- Delete: cl_latency check removed
- Delete: pushlatency check removed
- Delete: tracker check removed
- Delete: _windowed_mouse check removed
- Delete: -toconsole parameter removed from desktop shortcut

15.08.2006 - Version 2.9
- Fix: brightness bug
- Fix: gamma bug
- Fix: volume bug
- Fix: s_eax bug
- Fix: joystick look bug
- Fix: reverse mouse bug
- Fix: s_a3d bug
- Fix: mouse filter bug
- Fix: auto aim bug
- Fix: voice enable bug
- Delete: PGL_skin_01

17.06.2004 - Version 2.70 [Steam CS 1.6 + Steam CS:CZ]
- Fix: change weapon bug
- Add: fps_max in options->multiplayer->advanced
- Add: cl_minmodels in options->multiplayer->advanced
- Add: cl_weather in options->multiplayer->advanced
- Add: cl_shadows in options->multiplayer->advanced
- Add: pglgui command to print installed version of PGLGUI
- Add: demo recording as bind key
- Add: demo fast forward as bind key [viewdemo only]
- Add: demo extreme fast forward as bind key [viewdemo only]
- Add: demo slow motion as bind key [viewdemo only]
- Add: demo extreme slow motion as bind key [viewdemo only]
- Add: demo forward 10 seconds as bind key [viewdemo only]
- Add: demo rewind 10 seconds as bind key [viewdemo only]
- Add: demo forward 1 minute as bind key [viewdemo only]
- Add: demo rewind 1 minute as bind key [viewdemo only]
- Add: demo pause as bind key [viewdemo only]
- Add: demo play as bind key [viewdemo only]
- Add: multiple resolutions background
- Change: cl_cmdrate default from 50 to 35
- Change: cl_updaterate default from 50 to 100
- Change: rate default from 5000 to 10000

08.06.2004 - Version 2.61 [CS 1.6 only]
- Fix: 'Samsung' link in skin
- Add: checks for Steam running while installing PGL GUI

25.05.2004 - Version 2.60 [CS 1.6 only]
- Add: cl_radartype in options->multiplayer->advanced
- Change: background picture (rds.link joined the major sponsor list)

26.01.2004 - Version 2.50 [CS 1.6 only]
- Add: new install procedure

18.11.2003 - Version 2.43 [CS 1.6 only][in-house version]
- Add: new install procedure

17.11.2003 - Version 2.42 [CS 1.6 only]
- Add: pglgui.reg
- Add: "Change weapon position" (left/right) in keyboard panel
- Add: Steam Menu picture
- Fix: skin bug that incorrectly drew Steam Menu
- Change: hud_takesshots to 0 (no screenshots at the end of the map)
- Change: skin parts

15.11.2003 - Version 2.41 [CS 1.6 only]
- Add: sv_region 3
- Add: sv_region to options->advanced
- Add: explanation for fixmouse.reg
- Add: explanation to remove accel. mouse by command line
- Fix: skin bug that incorrectly drew Steam Menu
- Change: default cl_cmdrate to 50
- Change: default cl_updaterate to 50
- Change: default rate to 5000

09.11.2003 - Version 2.4 [CS 1.6 only]
- imported v2.3 for CS 1.6 and rebuilded it

04.04.2003 - Version 2.3 [CS 1.5 only]
12.09.2002 - Version 2.2
06.09.2002 - Version 2.1
12.07.2002 - Version 2.0
04.07.2002 - Version 1.1
03.07.2002 - Version 1.0

2Pgl Gui                 Empty Re: Pgl Gui Dum 16 Sept 2012, 17:16



Super tare:D

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