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Problema sv de mt2 2z8bv910
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Problema sv de mt2

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1Problema sv de mt2 Empty Problema sv de mt2 Vin 01 Iul 2011, 10:35



Deci am o problema la sv metin
1 deschis sv
2 portmap deschis
xamp ..
etc retele hamaci

sh nu merge sa intru pe sv am off firewall .. etccc

mergea inainte dar decand am dat leawe netowrk etc nu a mai mers sh am facut alta retea ca nu imi placea numele

2Problema sv de mt2 Empty Re: Problema sv de mt2 Vin 05 Aug 2011, 13:24



Eati un srv mai bine depe forum !!! 🇹🇷

3Problema sv de mt2 Empty Re: Problema sv de mt2 Mier 24 Ian 2024, 12:50


bLacKyModerator Global


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